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About Us



We are a one of the many growing and dynamic churches that make up the C3 Global Movement


We are modern in practice and traditional in belief. We believe what is summarised in the Nicene and Apostle’s creeds and what mainstream Christian churches accept as foundational to Christian faith. Find out more about what we believe here.


We have an unshakeable conviction that nothing is as important as knowing Jesus, and that walking with Him is the key to leading the extraordinary life to which God has called us all.


​Our desire is to grow C3 Launceston into a church where people from many backgrounds, nationalities and life stages are able to meet to encounter and worship God, pray, develop and to form great relationships.





Our purpose is to Reach and Build People.





Our priorities shape and direct everything we do. Our priorities at C3 Church Launceston are:


Word and Spirit

We are devoted to Jesus in Word and Spirit.  We encounter Jesus in the Word and apply the Word to our lives. There is no person, ability or resource as powerful to change the human heart as the anointed word of God, and its reality expressed through the demonstration of the fruits and gifts of the Spirit.


In Christ

In Jesus we find everything we need – salvation, forgiveness, purpose, wisdom, hope! Everything comes from and revolves around Him (John 1:1-5). We recognise that life can only work and flourish when we are in Christ, which is why we are committed to following Him and sharing Him with the world around us. He is our light, our source of strength and our example. His love keeps things in perspective.



Faith is the recognition of God’s grace at work in our lives. It requires faith to live with courage, joy, obedience and peace. We draw from our knowledge of God’s character and what He has done in the past, along with what His Spirit is saying, to provide the assurance we need for our present and to step confidently into the future.  It is by faith that we are saved, that we move mountains, walk on water and achieve a good testimony.



God created and loves families. They are the building blocks of community, and God’s antidote to loneliness.  In God’s family there is strength, love, commitment, forgiveness, comfort, growth and relationship. Although none of us are perfect, in God’s family we each find a place. Like all families, our church family has its own culture, jokes, and differences – but we are united by Christ and seek to encourage, support and contribute to our family.


We Bring What We Have

We bring what we have to Jesus, and He multiplies it. If we are willing to give, serve, step out, and believe for what we can, then God can do miracles that change lives.  Our focus is on what we can do - not on what we can’t do, because God’s grace is all we need and His power works in our weakness.


Healthy Things Grow

When we are healthy, we will flourish and grow. Just as a healthy plant will continue to change and grow into a mature fruitful tree, we are committed to keeping our hearts healthy so we will change and grow to become more like Christ. We are committed to living healthy lives, and to having healthy relationships with those with whom God has placed us.


Value and Develop People

People are incredibly valuable to God. We are lovingly and uniquely fashioned in His image, and He has instilled gifts and dreams in each of us. In order to live a life that satisfies our longing for purpose and connection, we need to identify our God-dream and giftings and learn how to employ them in loving God and others. We help people discern and develop their dreams and gifts through relationship and training, and release them into where they can be most fruitful.



Teams are about doing things with one heart and one mind. The synergy and creativity that the Spirit of God brings to a team is an incredible force. It’s the most effective, sustainable and fun way to do ministry. All of our ministry is done through teams committed to the purpose of our church.


Nick & Ruth Smith

Nick and Ruth Smith moved to Launceston at the beginning of 2015 from C3 Church Ryde in Sydney where they were part of the Saturday night team, to plant and pastor C3 Church Launceston. They are loving life in Tassie and being part of the Launceston community.


Nick and Ruth have a range of theological training and ministry and leadership experience between them.


Nick has a passion for discipleship, and an interest in church and leadership development. He is a qualified Electrical Engineer who, in addition to church planting, works full time.


Ruth worked as a teacher for 10 years before moving into Educational Design. She loves preaching, the church family and has a heart for a variety of social justice issues.


Ruth loves spending time with family and friends and is an enthusiastic landscape photographer who enjoys travel and exploring the natural world.  


Nick enjoys good food and coffee, and playing music. He also enjoys adventure sports, fishing, and sitting in the sun with a good book.


As a movement of churches, the mission of each C3 church is to: Save lost people, make disciples, empower the saints. You can find out more about C3 Church movement here

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